Obama Biden the Truth Team – 3 latest campaign ads

Here is a collection of campaign ads from Obama – Biden: The Truth Team.

In the first video, Floridians were asked what they thought of the Romney-Ryan plan.

Here is what they had to say:

The next video is entitled “Get Real” – Obama for America TV Ad

Voiceover: “Mitt Romney on how to pay for college and start a business…”
Mitt Romney: “Take a risk, get the education, borrow money if you have to from your parents'”
Voiceover: “Hope they can afford it.”
“Romney’s plans could cut college aid for nearly ten million students and eliminate the tax deduction for college tuition.”
“President Obama eliminated bank middlemen from college loans… and used the savings to double college grants.”
Mitt Romney: “Take a risk, get the education, borrow money if you have to from your parents.”
Voiceover: “Get real, Mitt.”

The next video is entitled Mitt Romney and Paul Ryan: Back to the Failed Top-Down Policies

“Paul Ryan is the mastermind behind the extreme GOP budget plan. It’s a plan Mitt Romney endorses. But what does that budget mean for America? The GOP budget plan hurts seniors, it hurts middle-class families, and it hurts students. All to pay for tax cuts for those at the top. Mitt Romney and Paul Ryan: back to the failed top-down policies that crashed our economy.”

Samuel Warde
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