Michele Bachmann: Insane in the Membrane, again (VIDEO)

Michele Bachmann Insane in the MembraneMichele Bachmann managed to outdo her usual insanity last Friday at the ultra right-wing Values Voter Summit in Washington, D.C.

She started by attacking Bill Clinton’s “arithmetic ” before tearing into President Obama calling him “the most dangerous president we have ever had on American foreign policy.” She went on to warn that Obama and Secretary of State Hillary  Clinton have “succeeded” in supporting “laws preventing derogatory references to Islam – a clear violation of our First Amendment freedom of speech“, that Obama had mandated that the FBI and the military be “brainwashed in political correctness toward Islam.”

Bachman also claimed that last week’s attacks in Egypt and Libya were a “direct consequences of this administration’s policy of apology and appeasement across the globe and the supposed success of the president’s foreign policy genius” and went on to state that Secretary Clinton and Secretary of Homeland Security Janet Napolitano had granted terrorists visas to allow them to come to the White House to negotiate the release of other terrorists.

Her speech mentioned President Obama 10 times, Islam 18 times, Muslim 11 times, the Muslim Brotherhood 6 times, Sharia  2 times,  and Jimmy Carter 2 times.

You can see her entire speech below and can read the transcript by clicking here.

Samuel Warde
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