Video: Tea Party hosts ‘Machine Gun Social’

Video: Tea Party hosts 'Machine Gun Social'A Tea Party group hosted a “Machine Gun Social” in Brevard, North Carolina, last Saturday with supporters paying to fire automatic weapons.

The Tea Party plans to use the money to fund political advertisements, but the fundraising drive stirred up a lot of controversy in the town, with many residents saying it was in extremely poor taste and made the entire town look bad.

As reported by local ABC affiliate, WLOS, “We live in a free country, we have the right to do many things that other people don’t have the right to do,” resident Ann Dergara said. “But, yes, I was shocked. Go join the Army if you want to shoot a machine gun. You’re not going to shoot it around your house.”

“I understand Second Amendment rights and that but I think, again, we need to do a little bit more to control guns in America,” resident Howard Johnson opined.


Samuel Warde
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