Gay Marriage Ad Features Laura Bush, Dick Cheney, Colin Powell (VIDEO)

Respect for Marriage CoalitionThe Respect for Marriage Coalition launched an ad Wednesday supporting gay marriage.

The video features comments from President Obama along with several leading conseratives such as former Vice President Dick Cheney, former First Lady Laura Bush and Former Secretary of State Colin Powell.

In releasing the video today, the coalition stated:

“The Respect for Marriage Coalition comprises more than 80 organizations supporting the freedom to marry — and this is the first time in history that LGBT advocacy organizations across America have come together to fund a national ad buy.

Against the backdrop of President Obama’s historic comments about marriage rights in his inaugural address, freedom to marry legislation pending in a number of states, and two landmark marriage cases before the U.S. Supreme Court, the Coalition is working to grow support for marriage rights for same-sex couples across the nation.”

You can watch the ad below:

Samuel Warde
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