The Business Of Guns (VIDEO)

The Business Of Guns

The firearms industry generates roughly $32 billion in revenue every year, $10 billion more than the Ford Motor Company — and employs 98,000 people, five times more than Google Inc.

Whatever your politics, guns are one of America’s biggest industries.

Here is a great video from our good friends at Minute MBA:


The U.S. is #1 when it comes to gun ownership in the entire world, with 88.8 firearms per 100 people. In fact, the second country on the list of most gun owners per person is Yemen – at a whopping 40% lower ownership rate than the U.S.

Whatever your politics, guns are one of America’s biggest industries.

One: Manufacturing. Nearly 5.5 million guns are manufactured annually in the United States and 95% of these are sold to Americans. An additional 3.2 million guns are imported to the U.S. from other countries.

Two: Retail. There are nearly 130,000 licensed firearm dealers in the United States. Compare this to nearly 144,000 gas stations, about 36,500 grocery stores, and just over 14,000 McDonalds.

Three: The Bottom Line. The ammunition and firearms industry pulled in about $32 billion each year and employed 98,000 people. That’s $10 billion more than Ford made in the same year and five times more employees than Google. And the gun industry isn’t weakening – since 2004, major gun manufacturing company Sturm Ruger’s alone saw their revenue increase $183 million.

Samuel Warde
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