Fox News Attacks Jon Stewart in Their Latest War of Words (VIDEO)

Fox News Five Attacks Jon StewartFox News Five has launched war of words, this time with The Daily Show with Jon Stewart.

The hosts of The Five, led by Eric Bolling lashed out a Jon Stewart for his criticism of their comments about Muslims on a recent show, part of Fox News seeming relentless assault on Muslims since the Boston Marathon tragedy.

Stewart had mocked Eric Bolling’s contention that there are literally hundreds of thousands of American Muslims with the murder of other Americans on their mind.   Stewart also attacked token Fox News pseudo-liberal Bob Beckel for his controversial call to restrict Muslim students from entering the United States.

Bolling held up an article from the Union Leader newspaper in response, stating that a professor agreed with his theory although all she really seemed to do was offer a similarly unproven sweeping assertion about Muslims.

Bolling continued the attack on Stewart stating:

“Hey Jonny boy, pull up a chair right here between Bob and me and let’s debate this thing. You got the cojones?”

It was Beckel’s turn at bat next, and he responded to Stewart’s criticism by attacking him:

“I was a liberal activist and a progressive before you were out of your Pampers. You may get on a TV show and talk liberal politics. I’ve been on the lines registering voters, being on union lines, and others. Maybe you want to bring your credentials up here.”

You can watch first, the response from Fox News Five below, followed by the that got this all started.

The Fox News Five:

The Daily Show with Jon Stewart, Weak Constitution:

Samuel Warde
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