This Brilliant Anti-Speeding Ad Will Give You The Chills (VIDEO)

Brilliant Anti-Speeding Ad From New Zealand
The New Zealand Transport Agency has released this brilliant anti-speeding public service announcement for television that takes a spine-tingling approach to the subject.

After citing fatality statistics for speed-related crashes, the agency notes that “Most road users recognize the risks of driving at speed and support police enforcement of the speed limit. But these statistics show that drivers don’t always practice this when driving: speed is still a contributing factor in 20% of all fatal and serious injury crashes on New Zealand roads.”

The agency goes on to write about their approach stating, in part:

This campaign aims to re-frame the way that people look at their speed when they’re driving. A person may be a good driver but they can’t deny that people do make mistakes – after all, to err is only human. And in life, mistakes are made often. We usually get to learn from our mistakes; but not when driving – the road is an exception. Even the smallest of mistakes on the road can cost us our life, or someone else’s.

You can watch this incredible public service announcement below:


Samuel Warde
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