God Hates St. Patrick’s Day: Fred Phelps On Death Bed, Westboro Baptist Church Attacks Anyway

God Hates St. Patrick's Day: Sponsored By Westboro Baptist Hate Group

As might be expected, Westboro Baptist Church has declared a full-blown hate-fest against St. Patrick’s Day and its accompanying worldwide celebrations.

The only interruption is some redundant posts about the news that founder Fred Phelps is on the “edge of death,” as reported by his son. [read more here]

The group had originally applied to participate in the Boston St. Patrick’s Day Parade but had their application denied.

As reported by Boston Globe:

“In South Boston, parade organizers have said no to hate groups such as the Ku Klux Klan and the Westboro Baptist Church. They have barred an organization that said it represented Irish heterosexual pride, an antiabortion organization, and a contingent that wanted to demonstrate against court-mandated school busing, according to Mahoney, the chief marshal.”

There are far too many Tweets to post here, so we took the liberty of selecting a collection of tweets representing the diversity of the posts from plain text to various forms of media, beginning with their response to being denied a permit by Boston.