Tea Party Congressman Schools Supreme Court About ‘Separation of Church and State’


EDITOR’S NOTE: I am guessing, but obviously cannot say for sure, that the timing of all this was planned to coincide with the Hobby Lobby birth control case, currently being considered by the Supreme Court.

Tea Party favorite Rep. Louie Gohmert (R-TX) claimed Monday that the Constitutional mandated separation between church and state meant “the church would certainly play a role in the state.”

Gohmert made those claims as part of a World Net Daily sponsored promotion for an upcoming Christian television special entitled “Washington – A Man of Prayer.”

Gohmert pointed out in the promo that Thomas Jefferson, who coined the phrase “separation of church and state” noted that separation between church and state “was to be a one-way wall, where the state would not dictate to the church. But the church would certainly play a role in the state.”

Gohmert went on to claim that this meant that Jefferson had a different concept of church and state that is widely held today.

“So, that’s a little different idea than a lot of people have about separation of church and state now, including some of our esteemed Supreme Court, who are not quite as familiar with our history as they probably should be.”

You can watch Gohmert in “History of Prayer in the U.S. Capitol,” below:

Samuel Warde
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