Adorable Little Girl Steals The Show With Her Sassy Moves In Viral Video


In a video that’s spreading like a California wildfire, we see young Johanna channeling Aretha Franklin while she wows the crowd and dances to the song “Respect.”

From ABC News:

Johanna’s mom Elissa Colon describes her daughter as “feisty” and “bubbly.” Colon says Johanna’s dance instructor purposefully chose “Respect” knowing that Johanna would be able to make it her own. The routine got the only standing ovation of the night. “She completely stole the show,” Colon told ABC.

“She was more excited that today was the last day of school and she was going to have ice cream because she had gotten such a good report card,” Colon said.

She saves her best moves for last. So be sure to watch until the end.

Kimberley Johnson
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