Trump Orders Security To Toss Sanders Supporters Into The Cold And Take Their Coats – Video


Trump orders his security to kick out Bernie Sanders supporters and confiscate their coats.

Republican presidential front-runner Donald Trump ordered his security team to evict a group of Bernie Sanders supporters from a Thursday night rally in Vermont.

He also ordered them to confiscate their coats, forcing them to endure below-freezing temperatures.

Trump told security “throw them into the cold,” as the protesters chanted “Bernie, Bernie, Bernie!”

“Don’t give them their coats,” Trump continued, adding: “No coats! Confiscate their coats.”

“It’s about 10 degrees below zero outside. … You can keep his coat; tell him we’ll send it to him in a couple of weeks,” Trump continued.

The Hill reports that “The Sanders supporters had planned to infiltrate the Trump rally, but many were thwarted as Trump security screened attendees and ejected those who didn’t declare allegiance to the billionaire.”

You can watch Trump’s disgraceful behavior in the clip, below:


Samuel Warde
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