New Reason for Divorce: My Spouse Voted for Trump

It is no secret that the results of the 2016 presidential election caused a great divide in this country – Democrat against Republican, left against right. But what may surprise many people is how deep and how wide that divide has affected people, even ending marriages and relationships.

A new survey reveals that more couples are fighting over President Trump and his policies, and actually turning to divorce courts because of their political differences.

The survey was conducted by Wakefield Research and found that one in ten couples (both married and unmarried) had ended their relationship because of the political differences they had. That rate was even higher for millennials, with 22 percent saying adios to their opposite-side-of-the-political-spectrum partner.

For couples who have not taken the drastic step of breaking up and are still together, many said that the politics arguments and disagreements have definitely increased since Trump was elected. This was cited by one-fourth of people who are married or in a relationship and 42 percent of millennials.

And it is not just couples that the Trump presidency seems to have divided. Many of those looking for a partner have made it one of their criteria in their online dating profiles.

There are two online dating reports which both concluded that Democrats would probably not date a Republican who supported Trump. Republicans seem to be a little bit more flexible and would to be more likely to date a Democrat who had supported Hillary Clinton.

The Wakefield Report survey appears to confirm these unrelated reports, since 33 percent of single people who responded said they would consider divorcing a spouse who voted for Donald Trump. Among millennials, that number was 43 percent.

When attorney Ed Weinstein heard about the recent survey, he commented, “Although it would appear that the Trump presidency is the reason for divorce, I think what this survey really reveals is that many couples have fundamental differences that they often are not aware of, and when exposed, they cannot overcome and the result is divorce. I suspect that many of these couples would have eventually broken

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