
Did Romney Violate Federal Ethics Law?

Did Romney Violate Federal Ethics Law?

Mitt and Ann Romney may have earned between $15 million and $115 million from the auto bailout, but failing to report the windfall in his federal Candidate Disclosure Form may very well be a violation of the law. Last week a formal complaint was filed with the Federal Office of Government Ethics by Citizens for […]

Michele Bachmann: Insane in the Membrane, again (VIDEO)

Michele Bachmann managed to outdo her usual insanity last Friday at the ultra right-wing Values Voter Summit in Washington, D.C. She started by attacking Bill Clinton’s “arithmetic ” before tearing into President Obama calling him “the most dangerous president we have ever had on American foreign policy.” She went on to warn that Obama and Secretary of State Hillary  Clinton […]

Member of Anonymous hacks GoDaddy – millions of websites down

Member of Anonymous hacks GoDaddy – millions of websites down

A GoDaddy outage has taken down millions of website and a member of the hackers organization Anonymous is claiming responsibility. The member, Anonymous Own3r is writing about it on hit Twitter account, claiming he is acting on his own and not as a representative of Anonymous tweeting: “I’m taking godaddy down bacause well i’d like […]