hate speech

Alex Jones’ Newest Legal Strategy Appears To Be An Abhorrent Crime Against Human Decency

Alex Jones’ Newest Legal Strategy Appears To Be An Abhorrent Crime Against Human Decency

His empire collapsing with the prospect of losing a lawsuit, Alex Jones’ legal team appears willing to go to despicable lengths to deny his accusers their day in court. As an independent journalist, I have covered a variety of topics and individuals over the years, but I have never felt my stomach turned by a […]

Bad News For Alex Jones As Facebook, Apple And Spotify Take Action To End His Online Reign Of Terror

Bad News For Alex Jones As Facebook, Apple And Spotify Take Action To End His Online Reign Of Terror

Alex Jones has not been having the best of months, but things just got a lot worse as first Spotify and then Apple and now Facebook put their collective feet down and terminate this kind of conspiracy. The news exploded on Monday, as three prominent social media companies announced they were taking action to eradicate […]

Facebook Strikes Back At Alex Jones – Delivering 4 Knockout Blows In One Day

Facebook Strikes Back At Alex Jones – Delivering 4 Knockout Blows In One Day

Facebook is striking back at Alex Jones, taking a stand against his hate speech and bullying. The hits keep coming for conspiracy theorist Alex Jones; and Monday was a particularly bad day for him and his InfoWars project. The Guardian reported Monday morning that Apple has removed Jones from their podcast directory. “Apple does not […]

Crazed Conservative’s Bus Breaks Down During His ‘Deportation Bus Tour’ Attacking Undocumented Immigrants

Crazed Conservative’s Bus Breaks Down During His ‘Deportation Bus Tour’ Attacking Undocumented Immigrants

Republican Michael Williams is polling last place in Georgia’s GOP gubernatorial primary, and in a hilarious turn for the worst, his Deportation Bus Tour appears to be having a little trouble – just like his campaign.  The media has been buzzing the last few days over the launch of a Georgia gubernatorial candidate’s “Deportation Bus […]

Ann Coulter Warns Immigration Will Lead To Mass Sexual Violence

Ann Coulter Warns Immigration Will Lead To Mass Sexual Violence

Conservative pundit Ann Coulter appeared on the “The Eric Metaxas Show” to promote her new anti-immigration book, “Adios, America! The Left’s Plan to Turn Our Country into a Third World Hellhole.” She really has a way with words, doesn’t she? Coulter blamed Romney’s 2012 defeat on immigration. She said there aren’t enough white voters in […]