Moving Beyond Pro-Life vs. Pro-Choice Labels

Planned-Parenthood-Abortion-CampaignIn an effort to reframe the abortion debate, Planned Parenthood has released a new video entitled: Moving Beyond Pro-Life vs. Pro-Choice Labels, You’re “Not in Her Shoes.”

“Not in Her Shoes” is designed to help people talk about abortion without feeling boxed in by the pro-life vs. pro-choice labels. Many people have opinions on abortion, and by using these labels, it’s limiting the conversation.

Truth is, the majority of Americans just don’t want to be labeled and believe abortion should remain safe and legal. What they want is for a woman choosing abortion to obtain one that is safe and legal, if and when she needs it.

It’s a personal decision. Nobody knows a woman’s specific situation — we’re not in her shoes.

“Not In Her Shoes” is Planned Parenthood’s  first effort to get past the divisive rhetoric:

Most things in life aren’t simple. And that includes abortion.

It’s personal. It can be complicated. And for many people, it’s not a black and white issue.

So why do people try to label it like it is? Pro-choice? Pro-life? The truth is these labels limit the conversation and simply don’t reflect how people actually feel about abortion.

A majority of Americans believe abortion should remain safe and legal. Many just don’t use the words pro-choice. They don’t necessarily identify as pro-life either. Truth is, they just don’t want to be labeled.

What they want is for a woman to have access to safe and legal abortion, if and when she needs it.

Samuel Warde
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