Sarah Palin Compared To A Hokey Disney Movie (VIDEO)

Sarah Palin

Sharon Osbourne slams Sarah Palin in this Flashback Friday piece.

Osbourne was being interviewed by Ellen during the 2008 campaign cycle and was asked what she thought about the upcoming presidential election.

Osbourne responded that she was shocked by the likes of Sarah Palin stating in part:

“I am shocked. I am so shocked and stunned about this lady, Sarah, who’s come in. To me it reminds me of like a hokey Disney movie or a Lifetime movie where somebody from nowhere suddenly ends up ‘I’m ruling the world and I’m president.’ And it’s like you would make a silly movie out of it and you’d never think that could actually happen.
And will all respect, I don’t know her – I haven’t met her, but come-on. You cannot… It’s like they were scouring America for a woman. That’s what they were doing. A woman anywhere, just find us a woman that we can have next to him so that it looks good. I mean, like… and they found one.
It’s like they scoured America and the last stop before you do fall off America was Alaska and she was iced, waiting. She was in ice like: “ME, how about me.”
It was like it was the last resort.”

Watch and enjoy:


Samuel Warde
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