Sarah Silverman Goes After The Koch Bros At Bernie Sanders Rally (Video)


Sarah Silverman introduced Bernie Sanders to a Los Angeles crowd of around 27,000 people on August 10, 2015.

Silverman warmed up the crowd by reclaiming the words “values” and “morals,” words she says “have been co-opted by people who wear them as shrouds to justify terrible things.”

Silverman talked about Sanders’ consistency and how “he always seems to be on the right side of history,” adding that “it takes a very brave and very empathetic and very visionary person to do that.” She notes that “not only was Bernie fighting for civil rights in the sixties, he was also fighting for gay marriage in the eighties. He was against the Iraq war, against deregulation of Wall Street that led to the 2008 collapse.”

She also went after the Koch brothers — “Is it [pronounced] “Cock” or “Coke”?” — telling the crowd that: “Where other candidates are getting gigantic sums of money from billionaires in exchange for compromising favors, Bernie is not for sale.”

Where the Koch brothers have been pouring hundreds of millions into Republican candidates — for instance, they just gave Ted Cruz $15 million, Bernie raised $15 million from 250,000 human people making donations: an average of $35 each. Not from the Koch brothers, not from Goldman-Sachs, not from Monsanto– he is a man of the people.

Silverman concludes her introduction telling the crowd that: Bernie Sanders “seems to care solely about what is right, what is best for people. And people are what America is made out of, so it works great. He says what he means and he means what he says, and he is not for sale, you can’t buy him. And I just think that is so neat.”

Ladies and gentlemen, I give you– if we’re all very smart and a little bit lucky– the next President of the United States: Senator Bernie Sanders.

You can watch the introduction below, followed by a quick transcription:


“Hi, hi! Oh my gosh.

“Rick Perry gave me these glasses, he said it would make me look smartier.

“Bernie Sanders. Bernie. President Bernie.

“I feel weird using words like “values” and “morals” because those are words that have been co- opted by people who wear them as shrouds to justify terrible things, like bigotry and greed. I’d like to take those words back tonight and use them to describe Bernie Sanders, because his moral compass and sense of values inspires me.

“He always seems to be on the right side of history, and it takes a very brave and very empathetic and very visionary person to do that. Not only was Bernie fighting for civil rights in the sixties, he was also fighting for gay marriage in the eighties. He was against the Iraq war, against deregulation of Wall Street that led to the 2008 collapse, and, most importantly, against the breakup of Destiny’s Child. (I may have made that last one up.)

“Where other candidates are getting gigantic sums of money from billionaires in exchange for compromising favors, Bernie is not for sale. Where the Cock [Koch] Brothers have been pouring hundreds of– Is it [pronounced] ‘Cock’ or ‘Coke’? I think it’s either way, like ‘Goldsteen’ ‘Goldstine’ [Goldstein]– They both work.

“Where the Koch brothers have been pouring hundreds of millions into Republican candidates — for instance, they just gave Ted Cruz $15 million, Bernie raised $15 million from 250,000 human people making donations: an average of $35 each. Not from the Koch brothers, not from Goldman-Sachs, not from Monsanto– he is a man of the people. He has to be: his name is Bernie. And he’s a man for the people. He has to be, he’s from Vermont.

“I have a friend named Tall John. He’s very tall. It’s a non-ironic nickname. And I always go to him when I’m not sure what the right thing to do is, because he has that kind of compass. And I see that in Bernie. He seems to care solely about what is right, what is best for people. And people are what America is made out of, so it works great. He says what he means and he means what he says, and he is not for sale, you can’t buy him. And I just think that is so neat.

“Ladies and gentlemen, I give you– if we’re all very smart and a little bit lucky– the next President of the United States: Senator Bernie Sanders.”

Samuel Warde
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