Trump Mercilessly Mocked After He Embarrasses Himself Again With Early Morning Twitter Tantrum

Trump gets humiliated and mocked on Twitter in the wake of another asinine morning Twitter tantrum.

Wednesday night, citing officials, the Washington Post reported the stunning news that Robert Mueller, the special counsel overseeing the Russia investigation, is now looking into whether Trump attempted to obstruct justice.

At about the same time, the Wall Street Journal reported that the Senate Judiciary Committee is set to investigate Trump’s firing of former FBI director James Comey.

As is his usual practice, Trump posted about the news on his Twitter account, tweeting that:

They made up a phony collusion with the Russians story, found zero proof, so now they go for obstruction of justice on the phony story. Nice. You are witnessing the single greatest WITCH HUNT in American political history – led by some very bad and conflicted people!

Twitter was quick to respond with actor, comedian and television personality John Fugelsang posting a series of tweets.

“Can’t wait Trump’s resignation speech when he insists he was the one who 1st said Russia interfered, all along, & now he’s been proven right,” Fugelsang began.

Responding directly to Trump’s tweet about “the single greatest WITCH HUNT in American political history,” Fugelsang aptly tweeted: “Guy who spent 4 years going on every TV show in existence to claim the 1st black POTUS wasn’t really born here complains of witch hunt.”

Fugelsang also responded to Trump’s first tweet of the morning whining about “phony news”:  tweeting: “Almost enough to make a guy embarrassed for firing the phony man who was phony investigating him for such a phony story.”

J.K. Rowlings, author of the Harry Potter fantasy series, forwarded Trump’s first tweet to author Stephen King, the king of horror, who was recently blocked on Twitter by Trump.

On a sliding scale of Annie Wilkes to Cujo, what level of delusion do you reckon we’re at today?” she tweeted.

Entrepreneur and filmmaker Adam Best weighed in on Trump’s witch hunt claim, tweeting: “No, Mr. President. Birtherism was the greatest WITCH HUNT in political history, and YOU started it.”

Tech journalist Mike Elgan mirrored that sentiment, tweeting: “BTW, a witch hunt is when you attack people on bad evidence, as with your birther attack on Obama. An investigation is about facts.”

Some Twitter users pointed out parallels to Richard Nixon:

Others, such as writer, comic, and self-described “part of Howard Stern posse” Shabooty posted a series of memes and editorial cartoons to express their outrage:

Let us know your thoughts in the comments section, below, and feel free to post some of your favorite responses to Trump, his morning tweets, and news that he is now under investigation for possible obstruction of justice.

Samuel Warde
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