Twitter Asked For Examples Of Double Standards – Here Are Some Of the Best Examples

The world we live in is plagued with double standards. Check out what happened when #NowThatsADoubleStandard started trending on Twitter.

Double standards, the world is full of them.

Merriam-Webster defines them as “a set of principles that applies differently and usually more rigorously to one group of people or circumstances than to another.”

The Urban Dictionary provides some great examples to include:

  • A man sleeps with numerous women: Considered OK  – A women sleeps with many men: Considered NOT OK
  • A white person is successful: Assumed to be because of HARD WORK – A black person is successful: Assumed to be because of AFFIRMATIVE ACTION
  • A Christian is a very strong believer and mentions his love of God: Viewed as HEALTHY and PASSIONATE – An Atheist is very strong in his belief of no God: Viewed as CRAZY, CONFUSED, MISLED, etc.

Twitter gaming community website and smart phone app @HashtagRoundup asked their fans to tweet their own examples of double standards using the hashtag #NowThatsADoubleStandard.

As one might expect, the results were both hilarious and a bit mind-numbing. I have to admit that I felt like bleaching my brain after being confronted with the reality of some of the posts.

Many of the examples posted on Twitter were classics like the first example cited by Urban Dictionary regarding sleeping around… Others were unique. All were entertaining.

Without further ado, here are a few favorites:


Samuel Warde
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