By Kimberley Johnson on
Ban bossy campaign, bossy girls, equality, gender equality
Equal Rights, Equal Rights Amendment, Feminism, Women's Issues

The word shouldn’t be the issue – the misogynistic attitudes behind the word compose the real crisis. The United States doesn’t have a constitutional amendment guaranteeing protection against gender discrimination. The Equal Rights Amendment would remedy this embarrassing fact, and a ratified ERA would help to undo some of the more pervasive and negative […]
By Kimberley Johnson on
anti equal rights, Anti Immigration sentiment swells on Facebook, Anti-Feminism, anti-feminist movement, anti-woman movement, are women responsible for men, Domestic Violence, domestic violence and sexual assault, feminism, Phyllis Schlafly, should women have careers, women and domestic violence
Domestic Violence, Feminism

Phyllis Schlafly, the woman who made a career out of telling women not to have careers. Destroyer of equality and queen anti-feminist Phyllis Schlafly talked about the issue of domestic violence and sexual assault in late 2014. Not surprisingly, she found a way to make it a woman’s responsibility to keep men from being rapists. […]
By Kimberley Johnson on
anti-woman bills by Republicans, discrimination against women, Equal pay for all, equal pay for equal work, equal rights for all, feminists are humanists, feminists fight for equality, feminists want equality for all, Gender based discrimination, i am a feminist, Modern Feminism, no need to demonize men, pharmacists deny prescriptions for women, Reproductive rights for women, respecting all women, the positive side of feminism, why all women need feminism, women's reproductive rights, women's suffrage
Activism, Discrimination, Equal Rights, Feminism, Reproductive Rights, Women's Issues

We need to focus on the positive side of feminism and not spend so much time hating or spreading false information. Buzzfeed featured women holding signs that explain why they don’t need feminism a couple of years ago, but their message is just as strong today – if not stronger. Some of the reasons these […]
By Samuel Warde on
discrimination against women, Do Republicans hate women, equal wages for women, fair pay for women, reproductive healthcare for women and Republicans, Republican war on women, Republicans and misogyny, Teenage Activist Madison Kimrey, Women's issues
Activism, Bigotry, Discrimination, Domestic Violence, Election 2016, Equal Rights, Feminism, Opinion / Open Letters / Rants, Reproductive Rights, Republican Hypocrisy, Republican Indifference, Republican Logic, Republicans, Right Wing Fanatics, Smackdowns, Ted Cruz, The Tea Party, Women's Issues

My Dearest Ted, Your latest attempts to woo women voters have made it impossible for me to hold my feelings for you in any longer. Every time you speak, every time I see your face on television, I get a feeling in the pit of my stomach. When, in Wisconsin, you declared that, “Strong women […]
By Kimberley Johnson on
Equal Rights Amendment and equal pay, Equal Rights Amendment and medical insurance, Equal Rights Amendment protects women in the Military, importance of the Equal Rights Amendment, Passing the Equal Rights Amendment, Passing the Equal Rights Amendment is good for all Americans, Passing the ERA is good for America, Petitions to support the Equal Rights Amendment, The Modern Feminist Movement and the ERA, Women's Issues In America Today
Activism, Civil Rights, Equal Rights, Equal Rights Amendment, Feminism, Women's Issues

In today’s political climate, passage of the Equal Rights Amendment is more important than ever. Many people have asked me for some bullet points on why we need the Equal Rights Amendment, so I am putting together information for those who wish to share, educate or simply have some talking points when the importance of […]