By Samuel Warde on
#nevertrump, Activism, Bill Kristol, Caroline O, Conservative Resistance, Conservatives Bash White House, Conservatives Join TheResistance, Jeff Flake, JK Rowling, Joe Scarborough, Joe Walsh, Join the Resistance, never trump, Richard Painter, Ron Perlman, Seth Abramson, Stephen King, Stuart Stevens, Ted Lieu, TheResistance
Activism, Never Trump, Online Activism, Resistance, The Resistance, Twitter, Twitter Trends

Being anti-Trump – it’s not just for liberals and progressives anymore. Check out these conservatives who are part of The Resistance and Never Trump movements. There are dozens of liberals and progressives actively posting against Trump using Twitter – his favorite method of communication. There are celebrities such as actor Ron Perlman, the king of […]
By Samuel Warde on
Best Twitter Insults, Parkland Shooting White House Response, Twitter Insults, Twitter One-Liners, White House Discredits FBI
Smackdowns, Social Media, Social Media Battles, Twitter, Twitter Tantrum, Twitter Trends

Twitter responds to the latest outrage perpetrated by Trump – this time trying to use the Parkland shooting to weasel his way out of the Russia investigation. As one might have anticipated, Trump managed to turn the tragic Parkland shooting in which 17 people were killed and 14 others wounded. “Very sad that the FBI missed […]
By Samuel Warde on
Best Insults, Best Online Insults, Mexico President Insults White House, Social Media Mockery, Social Media Trolls, Twitter Insults, Twitter Mockery, Twitter Tirades, Twitter trolls
Activism, Humor, Smackdowns, Social Media Battles, Twitter, Twitter Tantrum, Twitter Trends

Vicente Fox doesn’t hold back when it comes to his feelings about Trump. Vicente Fox, the president of Mexico from 2000 to 2006, doesn’t mince words when it comes to his dislike of Trump. Time and time again, he has handed Trump his a** with hilarious videos mocking his beloved border wall, his policies, lack […]
By Samuel Warde on
Best Twitter Insults, Best Twitter Put Downs, John Fugelsang, Kim Jong Un, Stormy Daniels
Humor, Smackdowns, Social Media Battles, Twitter, Twitter Tantrum, Twitter Trends

John Fugelsang mercilessly mocked Trump – taunting him about the recent controversy surrounding Stormy Daniels, Robert Mueller’s investigation, and his ongoing spat with Kim Jong-un. Actor, writer, radio and television personality, and political satirist, John Fugelsang came up with the perfect response to the ceaseless controversy surrounding Trump. September 2016, Fugelsang came up with a […]
By Samuel Warde on
Draft Deferments, Draft Dodger, Military Deferments, Tammy Duckworth, Tammy Duckworth War Hero, Tammy Duckworth War Record
Smackdowns, Social Media Battles, Twitter, Twitter Tantrum, Twitter Trends

War hero Tammy Duckworth schools Trump on what it means to preserve, protect and defend the Constitution of the United States. Trump went full-on authoritarian, accusing Democrats of committing “treason” for not applauding during his State of the Union Address last week. Vanity Fair reported that: [O]n Monday, while ostensibly pitching the American public on […]