The 40th Anniversary of Roe v. Wade: The War On Legal Abortion Rages On

The 40th Anniversary of Roe v. Wade: The War On Legal Abortion Rages On

Forty years ago today, women got legal access to safe abortions. Over the last four decades, Conservatives have argued against the Roe v. Wade ruling. For the most part it has stayed in the background, and the loudest voices in the fight to strip women of this freedom come from extremists—the ones who protest clinics […]

Can You Guess Which President Raised the Debt Ceiling the Most? – VIDEO

Can You Guess Which President Raised the Debt Ceiling the Most? – VIDEO

Republican presidents have raised the debt ceiling 49 times, while Democratic presidents have raised it only 30 times. Can you guess which president raised the debt ceiling the most? Bloomberg’s Hans Nichols breaks down the numbers that make up the debt ceiling and looks at how many times it has been raised through the years.

Bill Nye: Teaching Evolution? Think Thriller

Bill Nye: Teaching Evolution? Think Thriller

Bill Nye says the best way to teach evolution is to “just let your passion come through.” After all, it is a hard thing to find a kid who doesn’t love dinosaurs. Another way to describe evolution is through the analogy of a flash mob. Some work out, some go away. Biology works the same […]