FUN! Nonpartisan Presidential Pets Montage (VIDEO)

FUN! Nonpartisan Presidential Pets Montage (VIDEO)

A little break from all the anger and divisive politics! This fun video is nonpartisan and chock full of pictures of Presidents with their beloved furry friends. There’s a few non presidential pet pictures thrown in as well as some Boehner pics to chew on. The Monkees provide the soundtrack. Yay! I wonder if trolls […]

Irish LGBT Group Mocks ‘Armagayddon’ In Marriage Equality PSA (VIDEO)

Irish LGBT Group Mocks ‘Armagayddon’ In Marriage Equality PSA (VIDEO)

The Irish group LGBT Noise has released a public service announcement mocking homophobia. Set in 2017, the PSA features a straight couple who fears the passage of marriage equality in Ireland. “The equality — Ireland was practically unrecognizable. We tried to blend in, but the weddings were unbelievable! I felt completely underdressed and the cakes […]