Hacktivists Anonymous Make An Appearance At Steubenville, Ohio, Rape Trial (VIDEO)

Hacktivists Anonymous Make An Appearance At Steubenville, Ohio, Rape Trial (VIDEO)

The hacktivist organization Anonymous makes their prescience known though protesting at the Steubenville, Ohio, rape trial. “The accusations shocked the nation. Now, the trial begins of two high school football players accused of raping a 16-year-old girl. INSIDE EDITION’s Paul Boyd met with members of the internet group Anonymous and the town’s sheriff to discuss […]

Republican Assemblyman Steve Katz Charged With Possession (VIDEO)

Republican Assemblyman Steve Katz Charged With Possession (VIDEO)

Steve Katz, a New York State assemblyman from the Hudson Valley who voted against the legalization of medical marijuana last year  was charged with marijuana possession after he was stopped for speeding, the authorities said on Friday. Assemblyman Katz was charged with unlawful possession of marijuana, a violation that is punishable by a fine of up to $100. […]

Former Westboro Baptist Church Member Lauren Drain Speaks Out (VIDEO)

Former Westboro Baptist Church Member Lauren Drain Speaks Out (VIDEO)

“Banished” author and former Westboro Baptist Church member, Lauren Drain, appeared on Piers Morgan Tonight on Monday. In a revealing interview, Drain spoke of the Westboro Baptist Church which is well-known for its anti-gay messages and protests at funeral services for fallen soldiers.  In the interview, Drain revealed th tight control the Westboro Baptist Church […]

Westboro Baptist Church Founder Fred Phelps May Be Gay (VIDEO)

Westboro Baptist Church Founder Fred Phelps May Be Gay (VIDEO)

In an exclusive interview with The Advocate, former Westboro Baptist Church member Lauren Drain talked about life inside and outside the church and her tell all memoir BANISHED: Surviving My Years in the Westboro Baptist Church. In the book, Lauren reveals that founder Fred Phelps’s anti-gay ideology may have spawned from a gay experience. She […]