Lewis Black Romney is the whitest man in America

Lewis Black Romney is the whitest man in America

The illustrious Lewis Black stopped by “Totally Biased” this week to talk about the election, Hurricane Sandy, and the future of being a white man in America, noting that Mitt Romney is officially the whitest person he has ever seen. Black went on to say that he used to think George W. Bush was the […]

Women score a huge victory with the ouster of Rep. Joe Walsh

Women score a huge victory with the ouster of Rep. Joe Walsh

Women turned out to be big winners during the election with the defeat of misogynist candidates such as Todd Akin, Richard Mourdoch, Roger Rivard, John Koster and Joe Walsh. All pro-life and anti-woman, these candidates made bizarre controversial remarks about women and rape at one point during their campaigns. As a result, Republican Joe Walsh […]