New Ad Attacks Romney For Leading ‘Gang Of Bullies’

New Ad Attacks Romney For Leading ‘Gang Of Bullies’

Michigan trial lawyer Geoffrey Fieger has released an ad attacking Mitt Romney for refusing to take responsibility for his bullying incident by pretending he does not remember. Fieger, best known as Jack Kevorkian’s defense attorney, tell the childhood story of being held down by two boys who then shaved his head because they did not […]

GOP Convention Fraud Captured On Teleprompter

GOP Convention Fraud Captured On Teleprompter

This video was made by Oregon Delegate Duane Taylor on August 28, 2012 during the vote on the new controversial RNC rules. It shows the predetermined script of the proceedings of the Republican National Convention, INCLUDING THE OUTCOME OF THE VOTING. They refused to actually counts votes, but simply ruled that “the ayes have it” […]

Romney’s Economic Intellectual Plagiarism

Romney’s Economic Intellectual Plagiarism

Romney has been claiming that were he to win the Presidency, he will create 12 million new jobs; at every stop on his Swing State tour, he’s been repeating the same speech again and again, telling Midwestern audiences “We will create 12 million new jobs in just four years, raise take-home pay, and get the […]

Col. Lawrence Wilkerson – racism in the Republican party

Col. Lawrence Wilkerson – racism in the Republican party

Col. Lawrence Wilkerson former chief of staff to Colin Powell is very blunt and candid about racism in the Republican party in speaking to Ed Shultz last Friday on MSNBCs “The Ed Show”. “Let me just be candid: My party is full of racists. And the real reason a considerable portion of my party wants […]