Colbert makes an offer to Trump that is PURE GOLD

Colbert makes an offer to Trump that is PURE GOLD

Colbert makes an offer to Trump that is PURE GOLD after Donald Trump drops the biggest, classiest, most devastating election game-changer in the human history of time – NOT! “Nation, I am so moved by this generous offer that I have an offer of my own. Mr. Trump, I will write you a check for […]

Romney Still Supports ‘A Gift From God’ Candidate Mourdock

Romney Still Supports ‘A Gift From God’ Candidate Mourdock

“[E]ven when life begins in that horrible situation of rape. It is something that God intended to happen.” Those words were not uttered  one hundred years ago, not fifty years ago.  They were spoken just yesterday by by Richard Mourdock, the Republican candidate for U.S. Senate in Indiana, while debating  his Democratic opponent Rep. Joe Donnelly […]