Exclusive – Barack Obama Extended Interview pt. 1

Exclusive – Barack Obama Extended Interview pt. 1

The Daily Show with Jon Stewart Get More: Daily Show Full Episodes,Political Humor & Satire Blog,The Daily Show on Facebook In this exclusive, unedited interview, President Obama defends his record, explains his first debate performance, and lays out his vision for a second term on the Daily Show with Jon Stewart. Click here for part […]

Jesuit Professor – Not all moral law should be civil law

A Catholic Jesuit priest to told CNN this week that religious belief should not be the sole determining factor determining the basis for laws. Father Thomas Reese, also a Jesuit noted that  “Faith has motivated people to be involved in politics,” speaking of the abolitionist movement. “At the same time, theologians since Augustine and Thomas Aquinas have argued that all of the […]

Bill Clinton – Romney Is Hiding The Truth

Bill Clinton – Romney Is Hiding The Truth

President Clinton said that Mitt Romney’s hiding the truth from the American people at a grassroots event today in Parma, Ohio. PRESIDENT CLINTON: “Now, the last thing could say is, I had a lot of fun down at the Democratic Convention talking about arithmetic. But I listened very carefully to the Vice Presidential debate and […]

Top 12 Reasons Romney is the Candidate of the 1 Percent

Top 12 Reasons Romney is the Candidate of the 1 Percent

A great list provided by our great friend (and now contributor) Rebecca Gross Barton: “This following is only a partial listing of why Mitt Romney is the candidate of the 1%. He has no core, no moral code, no credibility, no integrity, no policy, no belief system. He is that perfect “patsy” to sign anything […]