Scott Brown’s racial politics crosses the line

Scott Brown’s racial politics crosses the line

Rachel Maddow discusses how Scott Brown’s racial politics crosses the line. showing a video of 5 of Sen. Brown’s staff members and supporters mocking Native Americans with hoots and gestures such as a means of taunting Brown’s opponent in the upcoming election, Elizabeth Warren. The ABC news affiliate in Boston identified participants as Sen. Brown’s deputy chief […]

Taylor Ferrera sings Poll Tax

Taylor Ferrera sings Poll Tax

Internet sensation Taylor Ferrera hit cyberspace yesterday with her latest song, Poll Tax.  You might remember Taylor from her other well-known hits such as Legitimate Rape that took the internet by storm after Rep. Todd Akin of Missouri, the Republican candidate for the Missouri Senate race, told a St. Louis news station on Sunday that […]

Screwing Private Ryan

Screwing Private Ryan

Senator Tom Coburn led the GOP charge against America’s fighting men and women as 40 senators voted to block the Veterans Jobs Corps Act. The bill would have established a $1 billion dollar jobs program designed to put unemployed post 9/11 veterans back to work as firefighters and police officers and in public works projects […]

President Obama Slams House GOP

President Obama Slams House GOP

In his weekly address, President Obama told the American people that the House of Representatives left town last week without finishing important work that would create jobs and strengthen our economy. Congress left proposals sitting on the table like the veterans’ jobs corps that helps returning heroes find work as cops and firefighters, and the […]