Dismantling the Fulcrum of White Supremacy

Dismantling the Fulcrum of White Supremacy

Laura Flanders interviews activist and writer Scot Nakagawa about “dismantling the fulcrum of white supremacy on The Nation’s Channel. Race, according to activist and writer Scot Nakagawa, was an idea created originally to justify the enslavement of a people, and has displayed pernicious staying power in the centuries since. That’s why, as Nakagawa explains in […]

How did the US President Become the Assassin-in-Chief?

How did the US President Become the Assassin-in-Chief?

Tom Engelhardt discusses how the United States president has become the “Assassin-in-Chief” in this video presented by The Nation. Assassination has always been a tool of the American state, but before the “War on Terror” it was not something our leaders bragged about. As TomDispatch.com’s Tom Engelhardt and Nick Turse explain in their new book, […]

Things Romney thinks are more important than US Troops

Things Romney thinks are more important than US Troops

Mitt Romney didn’t mention the war in Afghanistan or U.S. troops during his acceptance speech at the Republican National Convention and later told reporters that the topics of abortion and Afghanistan were verboten. Asked why he wouldn’t comment on those topics, condescending Mitt informed us: “You don’t go down a laundry list, you talk about […]

Kansas Republicans attempting to remove Obama from state ballot over “birther” concerns

Kansas Republicans attempting to remove Obama from state ballot over “birther” concerns

As reported by the Topeka Capital Journal, Kansas Secretary of State Kris Kobach, an informal Romney advisor, said on Thursday he and his fellow members of the State Objections Board were considering removing President Barack Obama from the Kansas ballot this November. The whole thing started with a ballot challenge filed by Manhatten, Kansas, resident Joe Montgomery,  who […]