Barack Obama

Correspondents’ Dinner: Obama Covers Everything from Marijuana Munchies to Recent Tragedies (VIDEO)

Correspondents’ Dinner: Obama Covers Everything from Marijuana Munchies to Recent Tragedies (VIDEO)

President Obama gave a lively speech last night at the White House Correspondent’s Association Dinner beginning with some great jokes and ending on a somber note, speaking about the recent tragedies in Boston and Texas. We have assembled some of our favorite jokes from the evening, followed by the President’s closing remarks. “The media landscape is changing to rapidly. […]

The Liberal Era Is Upon Us

The Liberal Era Is Upon Us

When The Supreme Court decided that George W. Bush would be president in 2000, America as a whole didn’t realize what exactly was at stake. We’d been through many a Republican administration and remained a democratically run nation. That’s because old-school conservatives understood the meaning of compromise and weren’t trying to take over the country […]

Bill Maher on GOP racism towards President Obama (VIDEO)

Bill Maher on GOP racism towards President Obama (VIDEO)

As President Obama’s first term comes to a close, we thought we would start taking a look back at the events of his first term in office. There is no denying that President Obama is the most hated and publicly disrespected President in history. From Bill O’Reilly interrupting the president 48 times in the course […]

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