By Samuel Warde on
Human Interest, Videos
Education, Human Interest, Videos

Students at an Attleboro, Massachusetts, school have been ordered to throw away their school lunches the last two weeks if they did not have lunch credit or cash. One student told local station FOX 25 that she was not allowed to even have one bite: “They told me to throw it away because I didn’t […]
By Samuel Warde on
gun control, Videos
Education, Videos

A 16-year-old Fort Myers, Florida, high school student has been suspended for three days after he wrestled a loaded revolver from another student threatening to shoot. The student told local news station WFTX-TV that there was “no doubt” he saved a life by disarming the 15 year-old gunman who had been aiming the .22 caliber […]
By Samuel Warde on
Religion, Videos
Arts & Sciences, Education, Religion, Videos

19 year old activist, Zack Kopplin, talks with Bill Moyers about his campaign to keep creationism out of public classrooms. “[W]e need to be teaching evolution and embryology and the big bang theory because, you know, while he [creationist Representative Broun] may think they’re lies from the pit of hell, they’re not,” Kopplin tells Bill. “They’re […]
By Samuel Warde on
Education, Videos

Learn about a new “superpower” that isn’t being taught in in 90% of US schools. Starring Bill Gates, Mark Zuckerberg,, Chris Bosh, Jack Dorsey, Tony Hsieh, Drew Houston, Gabe Newell, Ruchi Sanghvi, Elena Silenok, Vanessa Hurst, and Hadi Partovi. Directed by Lesley Chilcott. You can watch this amazing video below:
By Kimberley Johnson on
Education, Gun Control, Opinion / Open Letters / Rants

As the author of a book on virginity, I have witnessed first-hand how parents shy away from the topic of sex with their teens. It’s understandable. In the foreward of the book, I mention that no matter your age, discussing sex with your parents is awkward. Lately, the gun debate has a lot of people […]