
Obamacare’s Effect on Pizza Costs

Obamacare’s Effect on Pizza Costs

Stephen Colbert was outraged last night at the announcement by CEO and founder of Papa John’s pizza that  ObamaCare could increase the cost of Papa John’s pizza by a whopping 14 cents. “People will not pay another cent” for the pies, Colbert asserted last night, “because when you order a Papa John’s pizza, it’s only after you’ve reached […]

Jon Stewart on Romney’s Italian Scandal

Jon Stewart on Romney’s Italian Scandal

While CEO of Bain Capital, Mitt Romney bought a company from Italy’s government and resold it two years later for 25 times as much, earning the enmity of Italian shareholders.  Not only that, but to shield their earnings from the United States and Italy, they channeled the money through Luzembourg, “a country that exists solely […]

Colbert Mocks Steve King’s Dogfighting Defense

Colbert Mocks Steve King’s Dogfighting Defense

Last Monday ThinkProgress posted a video of a tele-townhall meeting where Iowa Congressman Steve King appeared to defend the legalization of “animal fights” in response to a question about his recently proposed legislation undermining local standards preventing the torture of animals. Then last Wednesday after saying ThinkProgress “distorted” his words (even though their article included […]

Let Palin, Bachmann & Trump Speak at the RNC

Let Palin, Bachmann & Trump Speak at the RNC

Chris Matthews discusses letting Sarah Palin, Michele Bachmann, Donald Trump and all the other extremist right-wingers speak at the Republican National Convention. “I see a little friction developing over whether former governor Sarah Palin should speak at the Republican National Convention. I say, “Let her speak!” Let her bring down the house with that history […]

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