
Tonight We’re Going To Party For The Equal Rights Amendment!

Tonight We’re Going To Party For The Equal Rights Amendment!

The mainstream media has an unfortunate aversion to discussing the Equal Rights Amendment. Admittedly, the ERA had a chance to be fully ratified and failed to get the three remaining states needed in 1973. It’s not a fun subject. We have Phyllis Schlafly and her campaign of lies and fear to thank—the woman who practiced […]

Are You a Woman In Your Twenties? Do You Know Your Rights Are Being Eroded?

Are You a Woman In Your Twenties? Do You Know Your Rights Are Being Eroded?

  Here are some facts and statistics that you may not be aware of. 31 states allow rapists to sue their victims for visitation and custody rights if the woman becomes pregnant as a result of the rape. In some states, pharmacists are legally allowed to refuse to fill prescribed contraception medications based on their […]

Ann Coulter Gets Booed For Calling A Room Full Of Libertarian Students ‘Pussies’ (VIDEO)

Ann Coulter Gets Booed For Calling A Room Full Of Libertarian Students ‘Pussies’  (VIDEO)

Ann Coulter, author of How To Win Friends And Influence People Demonic, tells John Stossel  and a room full of Libertarian students: “Libertarians and pot—Look, this is why people think libertarians are pussies.” It’s people like Ann coulter who are taking the GOP down the fast track to oblivion. Keep talking Ann, keep talking….