
Scientists Seek Prosecution Of Climate Change Deniers Under RICO Statutes

Scientists Seek Prosecution Of Climate Change Deniers Under RICO Statutes

A group of scientists is circulating a letter asking the Obama administration to prosecute those skeptical of the reality of man-made climate change. The scientists are part of a non-profit organization called The Institute of Global Environment and Society. For those unfamiliar with this organization: The Institute of Global Environment and Society, Inc. (IGES) – […]

How California Could Have Avoided Its Epic Water Crisis – VIDEO

How California Could Have Avoided Its Epic Water Crisis – VIDEO

California’s water crisis is the disaster everybody saw coming but nobody had the political will to stop. It’s the byproduct of a broken system that’s dominated by self-serving elites and misguided ideologues. Or so says Joel Kotkin, a distinguished professor at Chapman University, who writes frequently about Golden State politics. Kotkin says the drought could […]