By Samuel Warde on
Opinion / Open Letters / Rants

We are the 100%. We support Civil Rights, Defending Our Nation & Supporting Our Heroes & Securing the Peace, Education, Energy Independence and Security, Environmental Protection, Expanding Opportunity to Promote Prosperity, Fair Elections, Health Care Reform: Putting Patients First, Immigration Reform, National Security, Protecting Our Families, Preserving Our Values, Reforming Government to Serve the People, […]
By Samuel Warde on
Elections, Opinion / Open Letters / Rants, Videos

If the Republican Party is good at only one thing, it’s getting middle class people to vote against their own best interest. For years the GOP has convinced average voters that their party really cares about them, and that their policies that only benefit the wealthy are still best for the country. And the voters […]
By Samuel Warde on
Elections, Opinion / Open Letters / Rants

Romney set out on his first trip abroad as a presidential candidate, hoping to show the world his strength as a great statesman. Only one day into his trip, he has 6 major gaffes under his belt. (The Guardian has been kind enough to rate them from 1-10 for your convenience.) As reported by CBS […]
By Samuel Warde on
Economics, Elections, Opinion / Open Letters / Rants, Videos

Robert Reich, Secretary of Labor under Bill Clinton and current Professor of Public Policy at the University of California, Berkeley, discusses what’s at stake this year, explaining it is not merely Republicans versus Democrats, conservatives versus liberals. There is a larger battle at stake – the battle between repressives and progressives. _____________________ More Robert Reich videos _____________________ […]
By Samuel Warde on
gun control
Gun Control, Opinion / Open Letters / Rants, Videos

In a web-exclusive video essay, Bill Moyers says Friday’s deadly shooting in Colorado is yet another tragic indication that our society — and too many of our politicians — covet guns more than common sense or life itself. The National Rifle Association in particular, Bill says, “has turned the Second Amendment of the Constitution into […]