Opinion / Open Letters / Rants

Senior Blasts Catholic High School For Holding ‘Modesty’ Assembly For Girls

Senior Blasts Catholic High School For Holding ‘Modesty’ Assembly For Girls

“The boys had a dance party, while the girls were given a disturbing talk about ‘modesty.’” Colette Scorzetti, a senior at Delaware County Catholic school, Cardinal O’Hara, posted a scathing criticism of an assembly held for girls only. The topic was modesty. In a Facebook post on April 15, Scorzetti explained that the school divided students into […]

Why Organized Religion Turns Me Off

Why Organized Religion Turns Me Off

People aren’t leaving religion, religion is leaving people. I was raised by a single mom, and neither one of my parents were religious. When I was nine, I spent the summer with my Catholic grandmother, and on Sundays we’d go to church together. Because I was nine and wasn’t raised by religious parents, church didn’t […]

My Dearest Ted: Teenage Girl Calls Out Sen. Cruz With Best ‘Dear John’ Letter Ever

My Dearest Ted: Teenage Girl Calls Out Sen. Cruz With Best ‘Dear John’ Letter Ever

My Dearest Ted, Your latest attempts to woo women voters have made it impossible for me to hold my feelings for you in any longer. Every time you speak, every time I see your face on television, I get a feeling in the pit of my stomach. When, in Wisconsin, you declared that, “Strong women […]

Three Signs You Might Be A Progressive Mansplainer

Three Signs You Might Be A Progressive Mansplainer

Mansplaining is defined as “to explain something to someone, typically a man to woman, in a manner regarded as condescending or patronizing.”  The other day, my young activist friend, Madison Kimrey, messaged me to commiserate about a “progressive” man who often messages her and tells her how to behave, what she should read and so […]

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