By Samuel Warde on
Chelsea Manning, Manning Clemency Controversy, Partisan Politics, Republican Hypocrisy, Scooter Libby
Controversy, Republican Hypocrisy, Republican Logic, Republicans, Right Wing Fanatics, Right Wing Hypocrites

Republican hypocrisy is on full display the wake of the White House’s announcement that Pres. Obama had commuted the sentence of Chelsea Manning, the former Army intelligence analyst serving 35 years for giving classified information to WikiLeaks. Republican response to Manning’s commutation was swift, and at times brutal, as reported by Business Insider. “This is […]
By Nicole Girard on
Bob Thorpe, Poverty, Race, Racial Issues, Unfair Social Constraints, White Privilege
Bullying, Conservatives, Controversy, Republican Hypocrisy, Republican Logic, Republicans, Right Wing Fanatics, Right Wing Lies, Weird News

Arizona Republican, Bob Thorpe doesn’t want students to learn about the unfair social constructs that helped place him in a position of power. We are headed for some scary times, folks. I imagine when Osama bin Laden was planning the attacks on 9/11, it would have been beyond his wildest dreams to hear that a […]
By Samuel Warde on
Conservative Hypocrites, Conservative Reality Check, Mitch McConnell Lies, Republican Hypocrites, Republican lies, Right Wing Hypocrites, Right Wing lies
Conservatives, Republican Hypocrisy, Republicans, Right Wing Hypocrites, Right Wing Lies, Videos

The stunning hypocrisy of Mitch McConnell is on full display this week, but do you remember the time he sounded like a stammering fool during a press conference? Senate Majority Leader Mitch McConnell (R-KY) is once again flaunting his hypocrisy on Capital Hill – this time whining about Democratic plans to block Trump’s Supreme Court […]
By Samuel Warde on
Divisions with GOP over Trump, GOP Civil War Ohio, Republican Trump Civil War, Trump Divides Republicans
Election 2016, Republicans, States Issues

Trump’s campaign breaks from the Ohio GOP a mere 24 days from the election. The Columbus Dispatch reports that a civil war of sorts has erupted in Ohio over Donald Trump, “underscoring the searing divisions over Donald Trump within the Republican Party.” According to a Saturday morning report by The Dispatch: “Trump’s Ohio campaign today […]
By Samuel Warde on
down ballot races, GOP Civil War, Republican Civil War, Republican Logic, Republicans, Trump Supporters Revenge on GOP, Trump Supports seek revenge on Republicans
Election 2016, Republican Logic, Republicans

A civil war has broken out in within the GOP, with Trump supporters vowing to take vengeance on Republicans not supporting his campaign. Republican politicians are fleeing from the Trump campaign after Friday’s release of a newly uncovered video from 2005 in which he brags about groping women. By 6:30 PM (EDT) Saturday night, more […]