
Who Is Leaving And Where Are They Going If Donald Trump Gets Elected

Who Is Leaving And Where Are They Going If Donald Trump Gets Elected

An update on who is promising to leave if Donald Trump gets elected. Donald Trump has been stirring up controversy since he first announced his candidacy for the Republican presidential nomination. He has accused Mexican immigrants of being criminals and has promised to build a wall between the United States and Mexico to keep them […]

Conservative Led Movement To Oust Paul Ryan Picks Up Steam

Conservative Led Movement To Oust Paul Ryan Picks Up Steam

Right-wing conservatives in Paul Ryan’s district are seeking to oust him. There is a movement brewing among Tea Party Republicans and other ultra right-wing conservatives to find a suitable replacement for the Wisconsin primary to replace Paul Ryan (R-WI). Paul Ryan has only been Speaker of the House for a few months, but he has […]

Stephen Colbert: Donald Trump ‘Is Willing To Drink His Own Kool-Aid’ – Video

Stephen Colbert: Donald Trump ‘Is Willing To Drink His Own Kool-Aid’ – Video

Stephen Colbert compares Donald Trump’s presidential campaign to a comedy skit. Stephen Colbert told CBS host John Dickerson that Donald Trump is “my old character with ten billion dollars,” during a Sunday interview on CBS’s “Face the Nation.” Dickerson asked Colbert his “view about the fact,” and Colbert responded: “I’m all — I’m a big […]

Conservative Website Blasts Ted Nugent For ‘Inciting Terrorist Behavior Against Americans’ – Video

Conservative Website Blasts Ted Nugent For ‘Inciting Terrorist Behavior Against Americans’ – Video

Ted Nugent compares liberals to rabid dogs who need to be put down. Conservative website Forbes is blasting washed-up rocker Ted Nugent for inciting terrorist behavior against Americans during an interview on the Alex Jone’s show “InfoWars.” As Forbes contributor Rick Ungar writes: “To illustrate his point that Democrats and Liberals need to be eradicated—and […]

‘Most Hated Man In America’ Is Raising The Price Of Another Drug

‘Most Hated Man In America’ Is Raising The Price Of Another Drug

Martin Shkreli, “the most hated man in America” is at it again. Dubbing him “the most hated man in America,” BBC reports that Martin Shkreli, the 32-year-old chief executive of Turing Pharmaceuticals, “has been called a ‘morally bankrupt sociopath,’ a ‘scumbag’ a ‘garbage monster’ and ‘everything that is wrong with capitalism,” adding that “those are […]

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