
Steal The Money: Music Video

Steal The Money: Music Video

FOR IMMEDIATE RELEASE: THE FEVER PISTOL VOWS TO CONTINUE THE FIGHT UNTIL THE PLAYING FIELD IS LEVELED. Los Angeles, CA -­‐ November 13th, 2012 – Despite a good election result, the political rock band The Fever Pistol continues their effort to cut ‘the power class’ off at the knees with their new music video ‘Steal […]

Leaked Romney Audio Recording Worse Than First Reported

Leaked Romney Audio Recording Worse Than First Reported

It has been widely reported that Mitt Romney is blaming the election results on President Obama bestowing “gifts” upon potential voters “especially the African-American community, the Hispanic community, and young people.” However, as the recordings below clearly demonstrate, the Romney disconnect with reality is much worse than originally reported. In on excerpt, Romney talks about […]

Bryan Fischer: “Socialist” Hispanics Vote Democratic

Bryan Fischer: “Socialist” Hispanics Vote Democratic

Republicans are beginning to rethink their hardline position on immigration in light of their devastating election losses. Right-wing religious figures, such as Bryan Fischer of the American Family Association, do not agree.  As reported by Right Wing Watch, last week Fischer said that “America never had a problem with immigration when the bulk of the […]