Forrest Gump: How to Elect the US President

Forrest Gump breaks it down for us in this great animated blast from the past from 2008. Be sure to catch the part about Mitt Romney. It seems some things never change with him.
Forrest Gump breaks it down for us in this great animated blast from the past from 2008. Be sure to catch the part about Mitt Romney. It seems some things never change with him.
Congressman and former Freedom Rider John Lewis presents an important urgent message regarding voter suppression. Civil Rights-era hero and Georgia Congressman John Lewis was at the forefront of the struggle against voter discrimination that led to the Voting Rights Act, so he knows first hand the dangers of voter suppression on a large scale. Now, […]
David Letterman presents the “Top 10 Signs Your Congressman Is An Idiot”.
Internet sensation Taylor Ferrera is at it again, this time voting with her “vagina”. You might remember Taylor from her other well-known hits such as Poll Tax and her classic hit – Legitimate Rape that took the internet by storm after Rep. Todd Akin of Missouri, the Republican candidate for the Missouri Senate race, told a […]
Fox News contributor, Judy Miller turns on Chris Christie in discussing whether Hurricane Sandy will give an advantage to President Obama or to Gov. Romney Fox News’ “Bias Bash”. Watch the latest video at