
Ed Schultz: the Buffet-Reagan Rule

Ed Schultz: the Buffet-Reagan Rule

Progressives are hoping that if Republicans won’t listen to President Obama on the Buffett Rule, then maybe they’ll listen to President Reagan. The Center for American Progress unearthed video of Reagan making the case in 1985 for closing tax loopholes on the rich in strikingly similar terms to Obama, even leading an audience to cheers […]

McCain Ad: “A Tale of Two Romneys”

McCain Ad: “A Tale of Two Romneys”

Former Republican presidential candidate John McCain formally endorsed Mitt Romney’s candidacy for president back on January 4th of this year stating: “I am really here for one reason, and one reason only, and that is to make sure that we make Mitt Romney the next president of the United States of America,” according to a […]

Chuck Norris – Obama win would bring “1000 years of darkness”

Chuck Norris – Obama win would bring “1000 years of darkness”

Chuck Norris released a video this weekend through the conservative website WND calling for evangelical Christians claiming America faces “1000 years of darkness” if President Obama is reelected. In the past Norris has made other wild claims  in recent years like saying  the Christian savior character Jesus would have been aborted by his mother if “Obamacare” were available 2,000 […]