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Bill Clinton fact checks the GOP

Bill Clinton fact checks the GOP

Bill Clinton did an outstanding job of fact-checking the GOP during his speech this week before the Democratic National Convention explaining the clear choice Americans have to make in the upcoming election between the “winner take all, you’re on your own” philosophy embraced by Mitt Romney and the “we’re all in this together” philosophy Pres. […]

4 Republicans admit Romney welfare ads are a lie

4 Republicans admit Romney welfare ads are a lie

Several fact-check organizations and websites, such as the New York Times to PolitiFact, have refuted Romney’s claims that Obama removed the work requirement from the welfare law and will cut Medicare benefits by $216 billion with the Washington Post giving Romney’s ad “four Pinocchios,” a measure Romney pollster Neil Newhouse dismissed: “Fact checkers come to this with their […]

“Paul Ryan is long on style, shorter on facts.”

“Paul Ryan is long on style, shorter on facts.”

Paul Ryan’s speech at the Republican National Convention in Tampa was full of wrong and misleading statements. If you’ve seen any coverage of it, you know that the consensus among journalists and independent observers is that it was factually challenged. As the National Journal stated: “Paul Ryan is long on style, shorter on facts.” He […]

Welfare Ads proven “False” – Romney Team: won’t let “campaign be dictated by fact-checkers”

Welfare Ads proven “False” – Romney Team: won’t let “campaign be dictated by fact-checkers”

Romney’s entire campaign seems focused on racially charged lies about welfare intended to appeal to white worker class Americans trying to convince them that while they are working hard, their black president is seeking to make welfare easier for others. “5 of the last 13 ads endorsed by Mitt Romney are about bogus welfare claims” […]