Partial YouTube Embeds

Let’s say you want to embed a long YouTube video, but you only need a short excerpt from that video. The Nexus 7 & Chromecast Press Event video has 64 minutes, but you only want to embed the part about Android stats from 02:50 to 06:28.

Start with the standard embedding code:

<iframe allowfullscreen=”” frameborder=”0″ height=”315″ src=”//” width=”560″></iframe>

Then add the start and end parameters. Both use seconds, so you’ll need to convert minutes to seconds. For my example:

* 02:50 = 2 minutes and 50 seconds = 2*60+50 seconds = 170 seconds, so start=170
* 06:28 = 6 minutes and 30 seconds = 6*60+28 seconds = 388 seconds, so end=388.

Here’s the final code. You only need to add the underlined text in red:

<iframe allowfullscreen=”” frameborder=”0″ height=”315″ src=”//″ width=”560″></iframe>