A woman pope? The story of Pope Joan (VIDEO)

CNN’s Atika Shubert looks into the legend of Pope Joan.
CNN’s Atika Shubert looks into the legend of Pope Joan.
This video is based on a series of interviews with the Navy SEAL who killed Osama bin Laden. To protect his identity, the video is not using his real voice. Phil Bronstein, executive chairman of the board of the Center for Investigative Reporting, conducted the interviews and his story appears in the March issue of Esquire, or you can […]
In this vintage footage from Columbia Pictures’ 1964 “Decision: The Conflicts of Harry S. Truman,” Harry relates a story about the first political speech he ever heard involving a lobster and a bowl of soup. VIDEO TRANSCRIPT: Harry S. Truman – The Lobster Story “Well, the first political speech I ever heard was out at […]
On July 24, 1963, a young Bill Clinton met President John F. Kennedy while attending Boys Nation. This meeting inspired the future president to pursue a life in public service. Courtesy of ABC News
President John F. Kennedy, in speech to United Nations General Assembly endorses complete and general disarmament and challenges Soviets to a “peace race.” Address Before the General Assembly of the United Nations President John F. Kennedy New York City September 25, 1961 Mr. President, honored delegates, ladies and gentlemen: We meet in an hour of […]