News Headlines

Newspaper Publishes Names & Address of Gun Permit Holders

Newspaper Publishes Names & Address of Gun Permit Holders

A New York newspaper, The Journal News, published the names and addresses of handgun permit holders in two New York counties, using Freedom of Information requests. The interactive maps “indicates the addresses of all pistol permit holders in Westchester and Rockland counties. Each dot represents an individual permit holder licensed to own a handgun — a pistol or […]

Same Style Bushmaster Rifle Used in Rochester and Sandy Hook

Same Style Bushmaster Rifle Used in Rochester and Sandy Hook

Details continue to emerge about that shocking Christmas crime in upstate New York about the gunman who ambushed and killed two firefighters. The police recovered a military style semi automatic Bushmaster the same make and caliber weapon used in the recent Sandy Hook elementary school massacre. The shooter, William Spangler, set up an ambush that killed two […]

Coming to a Computer Near You? Printable Guns

Coming to a Computer Near You? Printable Guns

Is the technology available to create a fully operational gun using a computer and one of the new three dimensional printers? Downloading a gun design to your computer, building it with a three-dimensional printer that uses plastics and other materials, and firing it minutes later. No background checks, no questions asked. Sound far-fetched? It’s not.

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