By Samuel Warde on
AR-15, buying an ar-15, cbs report on buying an ar-15, how hard is it to buy an ar-15?, no waiting period, NRA, orlando shooting, virginia tech, waiting periods
Activism, Gun Control

How hard is it to buy an AR-15 assault rifle in America? A lot easier than you might think. Guns and common-sense firearm regulations are part of the national debate again in the wake of this week’s tragic mass shooting in Las Vegas. As CNN reported today, “Fifty-nine people were killed and at least 527 were hurt […]
By Samuel Warde on
Common Sense Firearms regulations, George Carlin, Gun Regulation, Humor, NRA, Videos, Wayne LaPierre
Flashback Friday, Gun Control, Humor, Videos

George Carlin mocks the NRA, paying special attention to Wayne LaPierre in this hilarious classic clip from his 2001 HBO Special – Complaints & Grievances. Guns and common-sense firearm regulations are part of the national debate again in the wake of this week’s tragic mass shooting in Las Vegas. As CNN reported today, “Fifty-nine people […]
By Samuel Warde on
Angry NRA tweets about Oregon Shooting, Common-sense gun laws, gun control, Mass Shootings, NRA, Rage Against The NRA Explodes On Twitter, The NRA, Tragedies
Activism, Gun Control, Mass Shootings

Emotions range from anger to numbness in the wake of yet another mass shooting in the U.S. So far 2015 has seen 275 days with 294 mass shootings – incidents where 4 or more people are killed or injured by gunfire. The latest and worst mass shooting so far this year occurred yesterday at Oregon’s Umpqua […]
By Samuel Warde on
Brave New Films, gun control, NRA, The NRA, Videos
Gun Control, Videos

Campus officials are the targets of intimidation tactics by Florida gun lobbyists seeking to allow the carrying of concealed weapons on college campuses. Eric Friday, general counsel for Florida Carry Inc., filed ethics complaints against 10 university police chiefs who appeared March 16 before the Senate Higher Education Committee in opposition to Senate Bill 176 […]
By Samuel Warde on
gun control, NRA, The Tea Party, Videos
Gun Control, The Tea Party, Videos

Tired of gun violence in America, a San Francisco Bay Area photographer and mother has put together an anti-gun PSA entitled “Dear Mom and Dad- get to work saving my life!” Dana Spaeth-Williams funded the film using GoFundMe, writing the following: My name is Dana Spaeth-Williams. I am an artist/photographer and a mother of three. […]