right wing hatred

Gun Activists Warn Obama is Raising a Private Army to Imprison Americans en masse(VIDEO)

Gun Activists Warn Obama is Raising a Private Army to Imprison Americans en masse(VIDEO)

Larry Pratt, president of Gun Owners of America, continues to spew his anti-Obama conspiracy theories, this time while appearing on the Talk to Solomon show last week along with conservative blogger Greg W. Howard. Pratt and Howard, along with host Stan Solomon warned that Obama is creating a private black army to massacre White Americans, […]

Liberty Counsel: lifting gay ban in Boy Scouts would attract ‘a Jerry Sandusky as your Scoutmaster’ (VIDEO)

Liberty Counsel: lifting gay ban in Boy Scouts would attract ‘a Jerry Sandusky as your Scoutmaster’ (VIDEO)

Mat Staver and Matt Barber, of the Liberty Counsel, talked about the recent decision by the Boy Scouts of America to delay voting on the ban on gay scouts. During Friday’s “Faith and Freedom” radio programs, Staver noted , “it makes no sense to have a Jerry Sandusky as your scout master and essentially that’s […]

Westboro Baptist Church Prayed for People to Die

Westboro Baptist Church Prayed for People to Die

Libby Phelps Alvarez, whose grandfather founded the Kansas-based Westboro Baptist Church, told the Today Show  that the Westboro Baptist Church was not satisfied with just protesting the funerals of fallen soldiers – that they began praying for people to die. “There was a point when we started praying for people to die,” she said. “I […]

Westboro Baptist Church Cancels Funeral Protest After Anonymous Vows Action

Westboro Baptist Church Cancels Funeral Protest After Anonymous Vows Action

Known hate group Westboro Baptist Church announced on Sunday their plans to protest the funeral of Reddit co-founder and Internet activist Aaron Swartz in a press release entitled “GOD H8S Cyber Criminal THUGS.” “Cyber criminals are the latest face of this nation’s and this world’s raging at God and His Servants at WBC,” reads the […]

Former GOP Candidate Arrested For Slashing Opponents Tires

Former GOP Candidate Arrested For Slashing Opponents Tires

Former New Mexico Congressional District 1 Republican primary candidate Gary Smith was arrested this Friday after being video taped slashing the tires of at least four fellow Republicans. Unsuccessful congressional candidate Gary Smith had an arrest warrant issued after a surveillance video showed him slashing the tires of Republican opponent Janice Arnold-Jones. The Santa Fe […]

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