Top 10 Signs Your Congressman Is An Idiot

David Letterman presents the “Top 10 Signs Your Congressman Is An Idiot”.
David Letterman presents the “Top 10 Signs Your Congressman Is An Idiot”.
Internet sensation Taylor Ferrera is at it again, this time voting with her “vagina”. You might remember Taylor from her other well-known hits such as Poll Tax and her classic hit – Legitimate Rape that took the internet by storm after Rep. Todd Akin of Missouri, the Republican candidate for the Missouri Senate race, told a […]
Fox News contributor, Judy Miller turns on Chris Christie in discussing whether Hurricane Sandy will give an advantage to President Obama or to Gov. Romney Fox News’ “Bias Bash”. Watch the latest video at
True to form, Fox News lashes out in a time of national crisis – this time attacking the Federal Emergency Management Agency (FEMA) in the wake of the devastating Hurricane Sandy. While news agencies and governors from coast to coast are praising the federal government and its quick response to Hurricane Sandy, Fox News took […]
Bruce Springsteen is headlining the NBC benefit concert, “Hurricane Sandy: Coming Together,” to aid victims of the storm that devastated the Northeast. The concert, hosted by TODAY’s Matt Lauer, will air at 8 p.m. ET on the networks of NBC Universal. In addition to Bruce Springsteen and the E Street Band, other performers will include: Jon […]