Chuck Norris – Obama win would bring “1000 years of darkness”

Chuck Norris released a video this weekend through the conservative website WND calling for evangelical Christians claiming America faces “1000 years of darkness” if President Obama is reelected.

In the past Norris has made other wild claims  in recent years like saying  the Christian savior character Jesus would have been aborted by his mother if “Obamacare” were available 2,000 years ago, claiming that American progressives want to enshrine Islamic moral codes into U.S. law.  He has also made the claim that Pres. Obama promotes forcing the Boy Scouts to adopt a pro-gay position.

“I wonder: What would have happened if Mother Mary had been covered by Obamacare? What if that young, poor and uninsured teenage woman had been provided the federal funds (via Obamacare) and facilities (via Planned Parenthood, etc.) to avoid the ridicule, ostracizing, persecution and possible stoning because of her out-of-wedlock pregnancy? Imagine all the great souls who could have been erased from history and the influence of mankind if their parents had been as progressive as Washington’s wise men and women! Will Obamacare morph into Herodcare for the unborn?” Source

Interestingly enough, back in 2008 he claimed that Mitt Romney would “buy the White House” were he to win the Republican nomination.  For some reason, he has not renewed those claims this election cycle.

You can watch the video from his YouTube page below.

Samuel Warde
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